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- Supplier eggs: Egg products, fresh and frozen
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- Thank you – download snacking barometer 2023
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Posts by category
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Market
- Traceability and transparency: Concrete, practical initiatives in effect at the Eureden co-operative
- How to showcase sustainable, responsible food when developing food service tenders
- Sustainable and social initiatives in the European institutional catering industry
- Egg products: Adding quality to fast food menus
- Egg consumption: Benefits, Myths and Realities | Cocotine
- How to use Cocotine’s simple products to optimise your menus
- The price of Cocotine products: a reflection of our commitment to quality and service.
- Cocotine product pricing: A reflection of our commitments, our quality and our service.
- Optimising your storage and cash management through frequent deliveries
- Signs of reliability in a supplier
- Choosing a food supplier: Prerequisites
- Should institutional caterers offer snack food?
- Snacking: what market in Europe in 2023?
- Alternatively farmed eggs: Consequences for farmers.
- France vs Europe: animal welfare labels
- Cocotine end of caged eggs.
- Cocotine is coming to meet you!
- Changing societal expectations of animal welfare.
- Soaring demand for alternative eggs.
- Chicken-less eggs, torn between foodtech exploits and consumer disinterest
- How can we respond to the changing nutritional needs of the elderly?
- What makes Cocotine egg products so tasty and so safe?
- Cocotine: A supplier committed to quality
- BRC certification: Why is it important?
- “Œufs de France”: A new label is hatched for French eggs.
- Extra-fresh eggs and pasteurised eggs: The promise of quality and safety.
- The “ready-to” product: restaurant owners’ key ally
- Overview of vegetarianism in Europe
- Restaurateurs: How to adapt to offer meal delivery services?
- Made in France, in a co-operative spirit: Cocotine’s commitments
- Transparency and traceability: The keys to quality products
- Organic eggs in France
- Egg product imports: Choosing a supplier
- Meet Cocotine at the Anuga trade fair !
- Why import egg products?
- The egg sector: back to basics?
- Extra-fresh eggs and pasteurized eggs: The promise of quality and safety
- Cocotine: A supplier committed to quality
- The rise of egg consumption in Britain’s food service industry: What products should be offered to food service actors?
- Cocotine at Gulfood 2021 in Dubai!
- Category: Responsible consumption
- Organic egg products: added value in the kitchen | Cocotine
- Sustainable catering: egg products as a responsible alternative | Cocotine
- How to use eggs to create balanced vegetarian dishes ?
- Eureden Group: A promise of quality you can trust.
- Supporting the transition to alternatively farmed eggs.
- Animal welfare: Incorporating it into your menus and communicating about it.
- Restaurant diners are sensitive to animal awareness.
- Are responsible farming conditions and production methods indicators of food quality?
- Food service: Creating healthy, balanced menus is easy as pie!
- Six Cocotine products that are perfect for vegetarians
- Institutional catering: developing protein-rich vegetarian menus
- Eggs, a great source of protein
- Eggs and vegetarians: A happy pairing
- Supporting the transition to a more plant-based diet
- Food quality also requires responsible farming conditions and production methods
- Category: Culinary trends
- How a supplier can help a dining establishment raise customer awareness of corporate social responsibility
- Gastronomic eggs: Pasteurized eggs in Haute Cuisine | Cocotine
- Tips for using liquid eggs in restaurants | Cocotine
- Meat protein or egg protein: Options for restaurateurs
- Eggs: Versatile products suitable for any mealtime
- How to simplify the life of a commercial chef
- Breakfast: The most important meal of the day !
- Reinventing your snack menu with Cocotine products.
- 5 snacking trends worth following in 2022
- Salad bars: Snack food options with something for everyone.
- Find out how to make snack food with eggs!
- Eggs in all their forms!
- Health and convictions: a shift towards a personalised diet
- Dark kitchens: Genesis, advantages and impact on the food service industry
- Vegetarian meals: no longer meals ‘without’ but now meals ‘with’
- [Booklet] Vegetarian Cuisine For Chefs
- Food service: Egg products for every dining occasion
- Eggs: Much more than a breakfast food
- Flat poached egg
- American pancake
- French brioche
- Schokonella pancake
- Perfect egg in Shell
- Egg Bites
- Frozen Sweetened Pasteurised Egg Yolk
- Frozen Pasteurised Baker’s Egg White
- Fresh Pasteurised Whole Egg
- Fresh Pasteurised Baker’s Egg White
- Fresh Pasteurised Egg Yolk
- Egg glazing spray
- Frozen half-moon omelette
- Gourmet Omelette
- Fried Eggs
- Spanish Omelette
- Omelette Patty
- Soft-boiled Eggs
- Cocotine Peeled Hard-boiled Eggs
- Mimosa Egg
- Crumbled Omelette
- Frozen Pasteurised Whole Egg
- Egg White Cubes
- Omelette Cubes
- Crepes
- Hard-boiled Eggs in a Pre-cut Log
- Poached Eggs
- Scrambled eggs
- French Toast
Fiches techniques
- French brioche
- Frozen pasteurized egg white
- Oeuf parfait -EN
- Frozen Egg bites - Technical Sheets
- Frozen Egg Yolk Sugar - Technical Sheet
- Frozen Whole Egg - Technical sheet
- Pasteurised Egg Yolk - Technical sheet
- French toast - Technical sheet
- Hard-boiled Eggs in a Pre-cut Log - Technical sheet
- Spanish Omelette - Technical sheet
- Burger Omelette - Technical sheet
- Fried Eggs - Technical sheet
- Peeled Hard-boiled Eggs - Technical sheet
- Poached Eggs - Technical sheet
- Soft-boiled Eggs - Technical sheet
- Gourmet Omelette - Technical sheet
- Frozen Half-Moon Plain Omelette - Technical sheet
- Omelette Cubes - Technical sheet
- Egg White Cubes - Technical sheet
- Scrambled Eggs - Technical sheet
- Mimosa Egg - Technical sheet
- Middle Eastern Omelette - Technical sheet
- Pasteurised Whole Egg - Technical sheet
- Pasteurised Baker’s Egg White - Technical sheet
- Egg Glazing Spray - Technical sheet
- Crepes - Technical sheet
- PEP SAS - Site of Carvin
- PEP - Site of Pierrefitte (Domaine des Genêts)
- PEP - Site of Camagnon