Supplier eggs: Egg products, fresh and frozen

Cocotine: A trusted egg supplier

Are you a food service professional looking for an egg supplier?

Cocotine is a brand of fresh and frozen egg-based products that strives to simplify your daily life with our various ranges. Cocotine is committed to developing egg products for commercial restaurants and institutional caterers, made using free-range eggs or eggs farmed according to the animal welfare cage-free methods developed by our co-operative. Our whole eggs, egg whites, egg yolks and more elaborate egg-based products can all be precious tools in the kitchen!


Cocotine: Much more than a simple supplier of chicken eggs

When it comes to selecting an egg supplier, price is not the only deciding factor. It’s also important to take the eggs’ farming and production conditions into account. Cocotine is an engaged brand that guarantees animal welfare and short supply chains within France. Thanks to our 230 co-op farmers and our production plants in France, Cocotine provides complete traceability, from farm to packaging, and is a trusted partner of our clients.

Whether you are looking for a supplier for your bakery or your restaurant, Cocotine is mindful of your concerns, offering you high quality French eggs: cage-free animal welfare eggs, free-range eggs and organic eggs.


Cocotine: A wide array of fresh and frozen egg-based products

Because Cocotine is a brand that serves professionals, we are not satisfied with merely selling eggs. Our teams develop fresh and frozen egg-based products, designed to help you meet your consumers’ expectations.

As your supplier, we can give you access to precious tools that can help you shrink your prep time, in the form of time-saving raw ingredients, intermediate goods or ready-to-serve products. Thanks to their special packaging, our egg products deliver consistent quality and simplify the organisation of your daily work.


Ready-to-cook eggs

For reasons of hygiene and practicality, eggshells are not welcome in professional kitchens. And so, Cocotine supplies school canteens and commercial restaurants with shelled egg products in fresh or frozen liquid form. Our liquid whole egg, egg white and egg yolk are crucial ingredients for your culinary creations. Our equally convenient egg spray can be used to glaze puff pastry with a highly appetising golden wash.

This category also includes more elaborate products like peeled hard-boiled eggs, poached eggs, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs and 63-degree eggs (which demand a hard-to-master low-temperature cooking technique). These eggs are ideally suited for a continental breakfast or brunch buffet, not to mention mixed salads featuring a blend of colours and flavours.


Ready-to-garnish and ready-to-serve eggs

Cocotine also offers recipes made from cage-free eggs, which you will enjoy using on their own or garnishing, whilst giving free rein to your creativity.

You can count on our omelettes, Egg Bites and Spanish omelettes for your snack food, tapas or balanced meals. Whether served plain or with cheese or herbs, an omelette is always a treat for your diners when you serve it with stir-fried summer vegetables.

If you want to give your foodies a delightful surprise, we suggest replacing your corn or wheat tortillas with our egg wraps.

Each piece is completely separated from the others, making it easy for you to garnish them liberally and roll them into delicious wraps!

These innovative egg-based products have also helped to establish Cocotine as a supplier for in-flight meals and fast food.